Alcoholics Anonymous in West Kent Public Information
If you are looking for help
please call the national helpline on
0800 9177 650
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.
AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes.
Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Armed Services
Within the Armed Services, alcoholism can have a negative impact on unit readiness and morale. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) may be able to help if there is such a problem in your organisation or among others you may know. Alcoholism can strike anywhere regardless of profession, rank, age, or background.

AA Health Liaison works with hospital and treatment centre staff, perhaps visiting someone whom a member of staff has identified as having an alcohol problem and where the individual has expressed a willingness to be visited. Many hospitals welcome AA meetings on their premises, where patients can be introduced to a meeting on site.

Legal & Criminal Justice
As a professional coming into contact with alcoholism you will be well aware of its harmful effects on the individual concerned and those around them, particularly the families. 60-70% of men who assault their partners do so under the influence of alcohol and 30% of child abusers have alcohol-related problems.

Ethnic Communities
Alcoholics Anonymous is keen to work effectively with minority ethnic communities in Britain and there are now translations of the book "Alcoholics Anonymous" into over thirty languages including Hindi, Malayalan, Punjabi, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Turkish, and Arabic with more translations in hand.

Teenagers and even younger children are seriously affected by alcohol dependency or from a drinking problem within the family. It is estimated that 920,000 children in Great Britain are living in a home where one or both parents misuse alcohol.

As a professional coming into contact with alcoholism, you may not, at first, be aware that it is the cause behind a number of other problems. Denial of a drinking problem is symptomatic of alcoholism.

Religious Organisations
As a spiritual advisor you will be accustomed to people turning to you for guidance over personal problems. You be well aware of the harmful effects of alcoholism on certain individuals and on those around them.

Community Services
As a professional coming into contact with alcoholism, you will be well aware of its harmful effects on the individual concerned and those around them, particularly the families.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is it confidential?
Is it religious?
What is the 12 Step Programme?
Must you be able to talk in groups and confess that you are an alcoholic?